SP&L STEM Explorers™ (SSE) is a STEM Education Platform for K-12 Schools and Community based organizations.
The Pursuit of Great Jobs Start in School™. The SSE Platform allows kids to start as early as Kindergarten having fun experiences and age appropriate educational opportunities that lay the foundation for STEM using solar as the theme. SSE fosters an insatiable appetite for awareness, exploration, and discovery of the many overlooked miracles that energy performs effortlessly, 24 hours a day. At the same time we are laying the groundwork for STEM SMART KIDS.
The SP&L Solar Explorers™ platform will create a connection and pathway between classroom learning activities (Curriculum), hands-on experimentation kits (STEM Enrichment), higher education opportunities (Career Development), and real life job experiences (Internships) and STEM careers (SSE Pathways).
SSE includes…
Integrative Science Curriculum Related to Renewable Energy
Interactive Software Portal into the World of Renewable Energy
Hands-on Experimentation Kits and Training Devices
Access to STEM Professionals vis-à-vis SSE Mentoring and Lecture Series
Pathway for High School Juniors and Seniors to SSE's Network of Post Secondary, Internship, and Scholarship Programs.
On Location Workshop Programs
STEM is a on the move! The STEM program is available for most opportunities including: in school, after school, summer break, camps and more. Use the contact button on the right to schedule a STEM workshop for your group today!
GreenTech STEM Connection Day
This program is one of SP&L’s exciting SSE service offerings delivered as a 1/2 day event based hands-on programming to educate and make students aware of green technologies and to inspire them to consider STEM careers. Green technology (greentech) is the application of environmental science, chemistry, and electronic devices to monitor, model and conserve the natural environment and resources. The term is also used to describe sustainable energy generation technologies such as solar, wind turbines, bioreactors, etc.
The Pursuit of Great Jobs Start in School™
SP&L’s Mobile Environmental Education and Intake Kiosk
SP&L’s Mobile Kiosk aims to be a hub for both distributing and collecting information at the many environmentally centric events that our team of education partners travel to across the state of Ohio.
SP&L’s mobile solar kiosk collects and stores information via visitors contributing to the ecosystem. By utilizing the interactive touch screen visitors can upload links and content pertaining to many different environmental subjects. This data can then be leveraged across the entire eco-system to educate visitors and provide a centralized network of information. To further educate, an optional questionnaire is available to visitors. Based upon questionnaire results; teaching, volunteering and/or contact information for local renewable energy professionals will be displayed for future opportunities.
We see the kiosk as a resource that can help interconnect and further empower Ohio’s eco-system of environmental programs, professionals, passionate youths, and volunteers.
SP&L’s mobile kiosk features:
Solar powered with battery backup
Does not require grid power
Can be used to recharge mobile devices such as cell phones and laptops
Touch screen user interface
Can be utilized indoors or outdoors
Delivered to your door